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Working Two Jobs

 So you are thinking of working two jobs. I got thoughts about that. Preliminaries . I'm not your dad. If you are doing something that you feel bad about, go yell at someone else. If you know who I work for, I'm not their representative and my opinions are not theirs. You'll have to go ask HR about policy questions. What is a framework for thinking about working for two jobs? I'm talking about selling the same block of 40 hours twice, two salaried W2 jobs, often without coordination or in secret from the other employer. Working a full time job and a weekend job at the gas station is not on topic right now. I'm also not talking about 1099 freelancing, where you work for as many clients as you like and all clients know that you take on multiple clients. A lot depends on the nature of the job. I'm going to use some metaphors because summarizing knowledge work in a single word is harder than asking a reader to understand ditch digging, truck driving are metaphors fo
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So you got chest pains and want to know if you're going to die...

This story might apply to you if you are a: - skinny, nondiabetic vegan - life long runner - amateur runner who is cranking up the volume right now - have arthritis in other parts of your body (I got what one doctor called knee arthritis in one knee) - have a mystery chest pain you didn't use to have - you're an increasing old male, about 50 or older If not, then my story might not apply to you, go read real medical advice. So I wake up in the middle of the night with chest pains. I google to see if it is a heart attack-- no feeling of weight on chest, heart rate is slow, no arm pain, etc. I go back to sleep but figure I should get it checked out. Chest continues to hurt during the day. Worse at the end of a hard run, fine in early morning, starts up again as the day goes on. Dr Google suggests that as an old, 49 year old, male life long runner, I might have atrial fibrillation or something else, maybe costochondritis (rib cage arthritis) or heart burn. It probably is not heart

Not flunking the tech interview

 There already is a book on " Cracking the Coding Interview ", but not one for how to not totally flunk it. This blog post assumes an interview for a job involving coding. Many server admin jobs, UI jobs, testing jobs, might not call for you to ever write a line of code. If you don't know it say so. I have never written a line of rust or so much as read a book about it. I know it is a programming language. I will not try to leverage that into solving a live programming puzzle in rust on a whiteboard. If you don't know, say so, don't bullshit. Better to preface it with, "I'm not sure but...." than to confidently bullshit as if no one will notice. The HR person might not notice, but techies will. And don't waste your breath on technobabble with the HR folk anyhow, even if it is actually true and coherent. HR wants to hear about successful past projects and happy customers, not the finers points of fdisk. Go read up on the common questions. They'

My current Terraform Build Script

 The cycle time from changing a line of code to seeing if it worked in terraform coding is LONG. Like maybe as much as half an hour. You really want to detect problems early. This was developed on windows, where bash is a 2nd class citizen. I use git-bash which plays poorly with docker, so I had to do a few tricks. The file  contains !/bin/bash # This version works on windows, specifically git-bash # If you you gitbash, to use tflint, etc docker version, you need this. (export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1; "docker.exe" "$@") Every time you use a new custom module or 3rd party module you need to run init again. terraform init If you don't specify --recursive, this will fail to reformat any code in subfolders terraform fmt --recursive Validate catches syntax errors and not much else. It is not very strict. terraform validate Tflint is somewhat more strict. Watch out, tflint doesn't check subfolders. At the moment, you have to run tflint on each subfolder as a

Kumon thoughts

My son has done 7 months of Kumon in Silver Spring, MD. What is Kumon? It is a math (or math & reading) program that supplements your kid's school math program with very computationally focused math. It goes well with common core math because common core math is conceptual focused and assumes you are using a calculator or learn your computation elsewhere. In theory, you can take Kumon all the way to Calculus, but in practice, it looks like kids drop out when they hit the hard level (I forget which), or when it transitions to algebra. My theory is that the program has a few features to keep costs in check. Kumon is $140-$150 per kid, they keep labor costs in check by having the kids do a lot of the work "self directed" - This is likely to break down when the going gets really tough or when it transitions to a skill that you can't improve at by just doing more of it (i.e. if you can't solve an algebra equation, you can solve it by staring at more of them

Running status–May 2019

So initially I was going to do a complicated running plan. I settled for attempting to run everyday after dinner. This is good habit hygiene. The cue is simple, daily and doesn’t compete with too many other activities. It falls apart when I’m traveling or if dinner happens late. Still, my running is way up. Some other minor things that have helped; I drink beet juice, as often as I can. It is supposed to make me run 5% faster. I use knee braces I have a pair of running shoes that I only use for running I listen to pod casts I do 98% of my running on a treadmill down the hallway, so I’m not constrained by weather. If I’m at home on an odd day, I will attempt to run midday, which double the opportunities for running at all. I always record my run in Strava, by taking a picture of the treadmill screen, I suspect no one is watching, but this is the most public place I can put my progress I cranked my fitbit goal up to 15,000 steps a day I usually aim to run 30 minutes or 3.1 miles, sometim

My Twitter Accounts

Some people do whole life tweeting, some people don't.  I happen to be a liberal, a vegan & a Buddhist & don't want people to think I'm doing advocacy just because I mention one of those. There is a time for advocacy and a time for not doing advocacy. I also have a few accounts that are primarily consumption accounts, for consuming content from celebrities, artists, actors, writer and so on- people who are unlikely to chat with me.  Interaction Accounts. You'd benefit from following me here. @ mistersql   - DC Tech & Software Dev Account @ vegdevops - Health, plant based cooking, running, and the like @ mott_st - NYC Tech & Software Dev Account (& sometimes business travel topics) @ matthewmartin - My Buddhism account Consumption Accounts. I do low volume tweeting here, but if I tweet I stay on topic. @ vegantrain  - Almost entirely pictures of my dinners at vegan restaurants. @ flyscifiguy - Sci Fi, space and st